
Attack Simulation & Penetration Testing

Secure Your Digital Assets with Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

Application Security Assurance

Fortify Your Applications, Secure Your Future

Cloud Security Assurance

Protecting Your Cloud Environment with Comprehensive Security Solutions

Bespoke Advisory Services

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Security Needs

Attack Simulation and Penetration Testing

Secure Your Digital Assets with Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

Our attack simulation and penetration testing services are designed to identify and analyze vulnerabilities in your systems before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By simulating real-world attacks, we provide you with actionable insights and solutions to enhance your security posture.

Comprehensive Penetration Testing

  • External Testing: Targets assets visible on the internet to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by external attackers.

  • Internal Testing: Simulates an insider attack or an attack through a breached perimeter to discover vulnerabilities from within your network.

  • Wireless Security Testing: Assesses the security of your wireless networks against unauthorized access and attacks.

  • Social Engineering Tests: Measures the awareness and reactions of your staff to attempts at social manipulation, aiming to breach security through human error.

Our core penetration testing process begins with a thorough planning phase, where we understand your business objectives and align our testing strategies accordingly. We then proceed with:

  • Scoping and Reconnaissance: Gathering information to define the scope of the test and identify potential targets.

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Using advanced tools and techniques to identify system vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

  • Exploitation: Attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities to determine their impact.

  • Post-Exploitation: Assessing the depth of access or damage that can be achieved through the exploitation.

  • Reporting and Recommendations: Providing a comprehensive report detailing our findings, the potential impact of the vulnerabilities, and customized remediation strategies.

Customized Attack Simulations & Red Team Operations

  • Tailored to mimic the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of known threat actors targeting your industry, providing realistic scenarios that test your organization's actual preparedness against a cyber attack.

Application Security Assurance

Fortify Your Applications, Secure Your Future

Application Security Assessments

These assessments meticulously examine an application's attack surface, identifying security concerns and vulnerabilities in alignment with established industry standards such as, PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27001, NIST and OWASP. Employing a variety of analytical techniques and adhering to a rigorous, methodical approach, we document our discoveries and provide prioritized recommendations to enhance your application's security infrastructure, accompanied by a comprehensive plan for implementation.

Using a range of analysis techniques we apply the following core strategies in performing the analysis:

  • Attack-Surface Discovery: The initial step in fortifying your application against threats is a thorough enumeration of the attack surface. This critical process involves identifying all the areas where your application is susceptible to attacks, including all exposed points, services, inputs, and code paths that interact with external systems.

  • Fault Injection: Fault injection is a testing technique used to assess the robustness and error handling capabilities of an application by deliberately introducing faults or errors into the system. This method helps identify security vulnerabilities that could be exploited during unexpected or adverse scenarios. The primary goal of fault injection is to ensure that an application can gracefully handle system failures without compromising security or functionality. It tests the system's ability to recover from failures and also validates the effectiveness of its security safeguards under stress conditions.

  • Targeted Code Review: When source code is available, it is an invaluable resource in efficiently identifying security flaws within the source code. This process involves an examination of the code to detect issues that could potentially lead to security breaches.

  • Exploitation: Vulnerability exploitation is a critical phase of application security assessments. It is designed to evaluate the resilience of applications by simulating attacks and actualizing vulnerability under controlled conditions. This process helps to confirm exploitablity and assess the severity of vulnerabilities. Not all vulnerabilities are exploitable. This testing confirms whether identified vulnerabilities can be exploited in real-world scenarios. Understanding the real-world consequences of an exploit, helping prioritize the vulnerabilities based on the potential damage or data loss they could cause.

  • Data Correlation: The assessment data correlation process involves researching vulnerabilities to understand their impact, filtering out false positives to focus on real threats, and comprehensively investigating the scope of the findings. This approach ensures that remediation efforts are prioritized and resources are efficiently allocated to address the most critical vulnerabilities, thereby streamlining the enhancement of security measures.

Cloud Security Assessments

We evaluate your cloud architectures, configurations, and security policies to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in compliance with industry standards such as ISO/IEC 27017 and NIST SP 800-53.

Our core Cloud Security Assessment process begins with a thorough planning phase, where we understand your business objectives and align our testing strategies accordingly. Typically, we then proceed with:

  • Scope Definition: Clearly define what the assessment aims to achieve. Specify which cloud environments, services, and assets will be included in the assessment.

  • Data Collection: List all assets within the cloud environment, including virtual machines, storage solutions, databases, and applications. Collect and review configurations of cloud services and resources to ensure they meet best practice standards.

  • Threat Modeling: Identify potential threats specific to the cloud environment, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and insecure interfaces.

  • Vulnerability Identification: Use automated tools to scan for vulnerabilities within the cloud infrastructure and applications.

  • Analysis and Evaluation: Analyze the data collected to evaluate the risks associated with identified vulnerabilities and threats. Assess compliance with relevant regulations and standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and industry-specific frameworks.

  • Report and Recommendations: Create a detailed report that documents findings, including identified vulnerabilities, the impact of potential threats, and areas of non-compliance. Provide prioritized recommendations based on the risk levels, suggesting remedial actions for identified security gaps.

Cloud Security Assurance

Protecting Your Cloud Environment With Comprehensive Security Solutions

Each organization faces unique challenges and threats in the landscape of cybersecurity. Our bespoke advisory services are designed to address these unique challenges with customized, strategic advice tailored to your specific needs and business objectives.

Custom Security Framework Development

We collaborate with your team to develop and implement custom security frameworks that align with your business processes, compliance requirements, and industry standards.

Risk Management Consulting

Our experts help you identify, assess, and manage cyber risks associated with your operations and technology infrastructure, providing practical strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

Compliance and Governance

We assist in navigating the complex landscape of regulatory requirements, helping ensure that your cybersecurity practices comply with laws and standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001.

Bespoke Consulting

Uniquely tailored solutions for complex challenges.

Bespoke Advisory Services

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Security Needs

Enhance Your Security Measures